Envíos / Parcel services

Multiple Piece Shipment (MPS)

Multiple Piece Shipping (MPS) is a logistics method that facilitates the shipping of multiple items from a single point of origin to a specific destination. This method is very flexible, as it allows items, regardless of size and weight, to be shipped in individual packages or consolidated, as required.

Steps to create an MPS guide

  1. Access our platform and go to Create shipment
  2. Enter the data of the point of origin and destination of your shipment.
  3. Continue adding all the packages you want to include in your MPS shipment, making sure to detail their dimensions and weight.
  4. Select the shipping company that best suits your requirements and needs
  5. When printing the shipping label, be sure to correctly identify which one corresponds to each package and place the appropriate label on each one.

💡 Important note. You can monitor the status of your MPS shipment in the section My shipments of the platform.


  • Best prices: With MPS, you get one quote for the entire shipment, rather than individual quotes for each package. This results in cost savings and efficiency.
  • Collective unit: Packages in an MPS shipment are treated as a collective unit. They all share the same origin, destination and service.
  • Labelled: A main tag (master) is generated accompanied by subsidiary tags.
  • Tracking: Each package can have its own tracking number, or a single number can be assigned for the entire shipment.


  • Additional services are dealt with individually per package.
  • There may be additional charges that may vary by shipping or package.
  • Not all carriers have this modality available.


What parcel companies offer this service? At the moment, it is only available for:

  • FedEx (nacional e internacional)
  • DHL (national and international)
  • tresGuerras
  • Coordinadora
  • TCC
  • Paquetexpress
  • Correos de España

Is the method available for international shipping?

Yes, this method can be used for both national and international shipments.

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