Envíos / Shipment Management

International shipments

Our international service operates through associated providers in each region, ensuring efficient and high-quality service regardless of your location.

To make international shipments, you must activate this option in your account. If you don't do it, you will receive an alert before generating any international shipment.

Steps to activate international shipments

  1. Log in to Envia.com.
  2. Go to the Settings button and select My company.
  3. Locate and activate International shipments.

Note: Make sure your account is verified to use this service.

Recommendations for an international shipment

Customs agent

  • It is recommended to have a customs agent when starting international shipments.
  • Products with a value exceeding 300 USD require an external customs agent.


  • Attach three copies of the shipping guide and the commercial invoice along with the package.
  • Print and place these documents in a kangaroo pouch.

Product declaration

  • When creating a shipment on our platform, make sure to declare the products correctly. This information is used to generate the commercial invoice.
  • Include a cover letter if required.
  • Verify that the values in the shipping guide, the commercial invoice and other documents match.

Custom charges

  • Customs charges are handled directly by customs.
  • You can choose whether the sender or the recipient absorbs this charge from our platform.

Note: If the package is returned to the origin, this incurs additional costs for both export and re-import to Mexico.

Required tax information

  • Tax ID o RFC: Necessary for both the sender and the recipient.
  • The absence of this information may result in the package being held by customs.

Customs charges and selection of tariff payer

  • The customs of the destination country may impose customs duties, taxes, and other charges.
  • You can choose who pays the duties (destinatario o remitente) when generating the shipment from the details sidebar or from the shipping settings.

Commercial invoice

The commercial invoice is an important document for international shipments, as it allows for the correct customs processing of packages.

  • It serves as a legal document certifying the contents of the shipment.
  • It is required by customs authorities for import and export.
  • Determine the applicable taxes and tariffs for the merchandise.

Note: The information must be declared in English, regardless of the language of the destination country.

Steps to view the commercial invoice

  1. Log in to Envia.com.
  2. Go to the section My shipments
  3. Locate your guide and click on the three dots in the Actions column
  4. Select Commercial invoice

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