Primeros pasos / Account settings

Change or recover password

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    If you forgot your password and want to recover your account, or simply want to change your password, follow these steps:

    1. On the home page, find and click on Forgot your password?
    2. Click the Submit, button. You will be sent an email to reset your password.
    3. Open the ‘Retrieve your password’ message you received. And click the Update Password button.
      • Note. The link you receive in the email is valid for 1 hour. 
    4. A page will open where you will have to enter your new password.
      • In the first field, create a new password
      • Confirm the new password in the second field. 
    5. Click the Update button to confirm your password change.
    6. Log back in to your account with your new password to make sure the change was successful.

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