Envíos / Packaging

Shipping Policies: Prohibited and Restricted Items

Prohibited items

Prohibited items are those subject to legal restrictions or limitations imposed by the company. Therefore, they may not be shipped by the parcel service. 

List of prohibited items

Drugs and SubstancesDrugs, CBD, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances
Hazardous SubstancesToxic substances, poisons, hazardous materials and wastes
ExplosivesExplosives, compressed gases, exuded dynamite
Radioactive MaterialsExplosive substances, radioactive materials
Animals and DerivativesLive or dead animals, skins and hides, fresh meat
Perishable ProductsPlants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.
Medicines and SamplesMedicines, laboratory samples, biological wastes
OthersFueled engines, loaded firearms, items that could cause damage to LTL units, floors, tiles and china

Restricted items 

Restricted items are those that can be shipped, but are subject to special conditions. If you send any of the following items, you will not be entitled to any type of compensation and/or claim. 

List of restricted items

Fragile itemsGlass
Mercancía falsificada“Pirate” or “imitation” merchandise
Valuable objectsJewelry
DrinkAlcoholic beverages
Perishable productsPerishable and easily decomposable items
LiquidsLiquids (in case of spill, additional charges may be incurred)
Artículos de valorCoins, currencies, valuable documents, precious metals
Valuable objectsJewelry, gold bars, antiques, works of art, etc.
OthersVapes, cigarettes, pornographic material

Important Information

  • Before making your waybill, it is essential to verify the complete list of prohibited and/or restricted items as established in our Terms and Conditions. Please note that the above list may vary depending on the country.
  • You must make sure that the containers or packaging of your items are the most suitable for their transportation. envia.com shall have no liability in case of loss, theft or damage when shipping any of the prohibited items set forth in our Terms and Conditions.

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