Envíos / Shipment Management

Create ticket

Did you encounter an issue with your shipment? Reporting it is very important so we can help you resolve it quickly and improve our services.

Steps to create ticket

  1. From the Help section, select My incidents
  2. Click Report an issue
  3. Select the issue that best matches your situation
  4. Choose the label related to the incidence to validate the information
  5. Click Submit

Once your ticket is created, you will receive updates on your Envia.com portal (top right corner) and via email, notifying you of the progress.

Requirements by type of issue

Shipping without movement

Unrecognized overweight

Wrong delivery

Damaged package


Delay in delivery

Product subtraction

Lost package

Status in my ticket

AcceptedResolved in favor of your request.
DeclinedRequest denied.
In reviewWe are waiting for a response from the carrier.
IncompleteMissing data or documents. Please complete the information.
PendingYour ticket is in the queue for review.
TrackingThere is a new comment on your ticket.


How can I avoid overweight charges for my shipments?

  • Measure and weigh your package correctly before registering the shipment.
  • Make sure the packaging is properly sealed and protected.
  • Consider the volumetric weight in addition to the actual weight.

For more information, check out our packing guide.

What should I do if I have an issue and I'm using customized keys?

If you are using customized keys and encounter an issue with your shipment, contact the call center of the carrier directly. Envia.com cannot intervene in these cases; you need to contact the courier managing your customized keys.

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